List of discdog (frisbee) longest distance throws/records

All about different discdog World records/bests

List of discdog (frisbee) longest distance throws/records

Postby DiscDogSport » Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:20 pm

There are numerouse World Bests or Records associated with distance throws, but they all are in one pile... so lets try to sort them:
1) Records with free start (dog runs before the disc is throwed and may have advanced in the field) + dogdisc is used
2) Records with standing start (dog may cross the throw line, once the disc is relesed) + dogdisc is used
3) Other (non dog disc is used or just other)

Records/info registered here: (takes you to a GoogleDoc file)

1) Records with free start
Under this category the following organisation records fall: Quadruped, UFO, Hero Cup, Others
Quadruped best results can be found here:
Hero cup best results can be found here: ??
UFO series best results can be found here: ??

Best results in meters MEN (1m = 1.094yards ; 1yard = 0.9144m)
106.6 m (116.55y) - Robert McLeod - DAVY
106.1m (116y) - Gary Duke - KATE
97.5m (104.6y) - Mariusz Kielczyk- KEEPER ALCHERA

Best results in meters WOMEN (1m = 1.094yards ; 1yard = 0.9144m)
84.15m (92.03 y) - Kristyna Noskova MEJZI
78,5m (85,85y) - Dominika Chudobová - Apollo
77,00m (84,21y) - Pavla Hejralová Cawick
74.3m (81.3 y) - K McIlveen - SKETCH

2) Records with standing start
Under this category the following organisation records fall: Skyhoundz, Globalcaninediscchallenge
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